Best-value Variety of Bath Safety Products

Bath safety aids are essential for people with disability, old age, and patients. Those aids can help them to stay safe and also reduce the chance of injury. By installing them inside bathroom spaces, many accidents can be averted.

Take for instance of the grab bars or bath transfer benches. Both of them are essential bath safety items. Aged people who are often hesitant to walk around bathroom floors due to slippery surfaces may get confidence to reach out to the bath tub for example confidently. Similarly, all other bath safety products are equally vital.

Let’s take a look at some of them (available with one of the repu


table bath safety stores). Before starting, it needs to be said that buyers should compare product quality and prices with several others.

This is a deluxe tub grab bar. Clamp design with stainless steel components stays secure after repEachted use. It has a design allowing for unobstructed entry/exit path and better hand positioning. Its bi-level handgrip is for maximum flexibility and safety. Install it without using tools. Rubber-lined pads won’t mar tub surface. It fits in tubs measuring 2.75″-6.25″ (7-16 cm) thick.

This non-padded transfer bench features textured, molded backrest and non-slip seating surface. The surface comes with holes for water drainage. It is lightweight and has anodized aluminum frame. The height of frame is adjustable in 1/2″ increments. Backrest attaches for right or left facing tubs easily without tools. Its side arm and seat back handle provide extra stability and give leverage when transferring.

Looking for some other variety of bath safety products? Visit: Take a look into the store of Online Medical Supply store, where a wide selection of bath safety products has been lined up. To see details, visit the store at

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